PIES Model

We have found it useful to structure this tool with a Strategic and an Operational strand which reflects the two levels at which providers will be seeking advice and information. It is envisaged that Strategic Level will be of interest when considering policy issues and Operational level will support the practical steps required in implementing eSafety policy and responsible behaviours online. These levels are not discrete, our aim is to enable maximum flexibility to facilitate a whole organisational approach. eSafety considerations inevitably overlap and impact on differnet roles within providers in the sector. We have also found it useful to approach eSafety implementation methodically using the recognised Becta PIES model  as a Framework:



Policy & Practice.


Education & Training

Standards and Inspection 


The Becta's PIES model is an effective framework for approaching safeguarding strategy across a range of learning provision.


It offers a simple way of mitigating against risks through a combination of effective policies and practice, a robust and secure technology infrastructure, and education and training for learners and employees alike, underpinned by standards and inspection.

The model helps organisations develop a safeguarding strategy, to ensure that they are: